Mission Statement
Immaculate Heart is a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school dedicated to the intellectual vitality, spiritual growth, moral strength, and social-emotional development of its students. Immaculate Heart fosters academic excellence and creativity in an environment that empowers students to become women of great heart and right conscience. Students embrace a life-long commitment to compassionate service, leadership, and humanitarian values.
Immaculate Heart High School and Middle School
About Immaculate Heart High School and Middle School
Immaculate Heart is a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school founded in 1906 by the
Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Since its inception, Immaculate Heart has continued its
commitment to an educational program addressing the needs of young women as academic
requirements develop and change with each generation.
Immaculate Heart lives its mission by developing a foundation for the ongoing acquisition of
skills, knowledge, and values, all of which enable students to function as intelligent, informed, and
contributing members of society, as well as young women whose self-efficacy and lives of faith
motivate each to realize their unique potential. This foundation makes it possible for students to
discern carefully and choose wisely those values that contribute to their own and others’ authentic
The school shares in the teaching ministry of the Catholic Church by creating a learning
environment in which students mature in their faith. Students reflect on their individual
responsibility to model great heart and right conscience as members of a global community, just
as the Gospel calls all people to truth, justice, honesty, service, and compassion.
School-wide celebratory traditions, liturgies, retreats, service experiences, and curricular and
co-curricular activities all foster the spiritual, physical, social-emotional, intellectual, and aesthetic
development of the student. Immaculate Heart upholds and facilitates this mission with a
competent, caring, and nurturing School Leadership, faculty, and staff who celebrate the religious,
ethnic, and socio-economic diversity of our school community.
A deep commitment to the school’s motto, “Maria Immaculata spes nostra,” reminds us that
Mary is our hope. Our students will, as Mary did, mature into strong, courageous, loving women
who meet challenges with confidence and bring hope to the world.
Immaculate Heart, in partnership with parents, empowers students to become engaged citizens
concerned about the global community. Students embrace learning as a lifetime endeavor and become creative problem-solvers. They develop a capacity for integrity, wisdom, humor, joy, peace, and love, so as to “make gentle the life of this world.”