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Wildwood School

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About Wildwood

Founded in 1971, Wildwood School is a nationally-acclaimed independent day school founded on a progressive, research-based approach. Wildwood emphasizes academic excellence and instills a genuine passion for learning in its students. Armed with knowledge, creativity, curiosity, and passion, Wildwood students graduate with the power to make a difference in the world. In the primary grades, multi-age classes provide children with a supportive learning environment that nurtures their intellectual, social, and emotional abilities. The elementary grades build on this foundation through small classes that give attention to students' progress in every area of development. The middle and upper school programs further develop thoughtful learners and engaged citizens through a program of academic mastery, the arts, athletics, and community involvement. The school's multidisciplinary curriculum is designed to prepare students to excel in college and in life. Students are taught to evaluate evidence, consider diverging perspectives, and seek connections before they formulate conclusions. They learn to view competition through the lens of a healthy perspective and recognize that winning - on the field or in the classroom - is dependent not on proving themselves better than others, but on how deftly they are able to collaborate with and leverage the strengths of members of a team. Community involvement is a hallmark of Wildwood’s program, and students are guided as they provide age-appropriate service to others. Additionally, Wildwood's Outreach Center supports a deep commitment to public purpose by extending current best practices to public schools throughout the nation. The Center holds workshops, coordinates site visits, mentors small schools, and publishes support materials. Wildwood embraces multiculturalism, recognizing and appreciating the many identities of students, parents, and faculty. By fostering a culture that is supportive and inclusive to all members, Wildwood enables its students to become self-aware, intellectually curious, confident, and socially responsible. Current Head of School: Landis Green

School Profile

  • Membership Status
    Full Member
  • School Type
  • Boarding/Day
    Day Only
  • Grade Levels
    Kindergarten; Grade 1; Grade 2; Grade 3; Grade 4; Grade 5; Grade 6; Grade 7; Grade 8; Grade 9; Grade 10; Grade 11; Grade 12
  • Classroom
  • Gender
    All Genders
  • Enrollment
  • Affiliations

Location Information

Contact Information

  • Mailing Address
    11811 W. Olympic Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90064
  • Main
    (310) 478-7189
  • Fax
    (310) 478-6875

Additional Campus Location

  • Wildwood School (elementary campus)

    • Campus Type
    • Boarding/Day
      Day Only
    • Grade Levels
      Kindergarten to Grade 12
    • Gender
      All Genders
    • Address
      12201 Washington Place, Los Angeles, CA 90066
    • County
      Los Angeles